Rank | Name | Value |
1301. | Elder Proxy Level: 936956 | Vocation: Power Druid | 10 |
1302. | Galahad Level: 802200 | Vocation: Power Paladin | 10 |
1303. | Pescadoress Level: 205822 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1304. | Lenhador Five Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1305. | Garzock Level: 350541 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1306. | King Kong Level: 840916 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1307. | Obanai Level: 831500 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1308. | Excalybur Level: 448883 | Vocation: Power Druid | 10 |
1309. | Joao Opressor Level: 299151 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1310. | Abobado Level: 902990 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1311. | Sadan Biden Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1312. | Wings Of Silence Level: 929487 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1313. | Antidigimon Level: 753210 | Vocation: Hyper Sorcerer | 10 |
1314. | Rei Zezinho Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1315. | Lizstone Level: 965606 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1316. | Aizen Ooal Ghoul Level: 642417 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1317. | Paladin Zerkag Level: 480812 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1318. | Kaspyrss Level: 1000000 | Vocation: Legendary Sorcerer | 10 |
1319. | Farm Phantom Level: 747402 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1320. | Lord Profhenos Level: 100000 | Vocation: Paladin | 10 |
1321. | Ninjij Level: 927857 | Vocation: Hyper Druid | 10 |
1322. | Aewee Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1323. | Minerine Level: 199000 | Vocation: Power Knight | 10 |
1324. | Kina Lombra Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1325. | Afer Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1326. | Mim Boxx Level: 812554 | Vocation: Legendary Sorcerer | 10 |
1327. | Ilusion Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1328. | Testadods Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1329. | Luaa Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1330. | Titan Level: 981797 | Vocation: Legendary Knight | 10 |
1331. | Zeus Level: 819556 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1332. | Banicca Level: 964647 | Vocation: Hyper Knight | 10 |
1333. | Squbany Level: 407082 | Vocation: Power Druid | 10 |
1334. | Chupa Meu Pau Level: 100000 | Vocation: Knight | 10 |
1335. | Mob Physico Level: 768166 | Vocation: Power Paladin | 10 |
1336. | Undead Archer Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1337. | Selena Level: 523149 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1338. | Mage Dois Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1339. | The Perto Level: 990535 | Vocation: Power Knight | 10 |
1340. | Toksyczny Level: 750377 | Vocation: Hyper Paladin | 10 |
1341. | Pututu Level: 832046 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1342. | James Bomb Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1343. | Cellegrini Level: 50000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1344. | Loki Level: 949944 | Vocation: Legendary Sorcerer | 10 |
1345. | Danni Floow Level: 1000000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1346. | Burro Level: 990947 | Vocation: Infinity Druid | 10 |
1347. | Wizatek Level: 199402 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1348. | Makeer Dois Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1349. | Fausto De Ebano Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1350. | Gdhjsddhg Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1351. | Wakanda Level: 469642 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1352. | Venvanse Level: 868967 | Vocation: Mega Paladin | 10 |
1353. | Immortal Wolfrax Level: 376056 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1354. | Knight Of Valpo Level: 977135 | Vocation: Legendary Knight | 10 |
1355. | Lamar Level: 808946 | Vocation: Legendary Druid | 10 |
1356. | Supremor Level: 250935 | Vocation: Infinity Sorcerer | 10 |
1357. | Enantato Level: 920042 | Vocation: Power Paladin | 10 |
1358. | Victor On Level: 204952 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1359. | Jowjow Invencivel Level: 970890 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1360. | Vitinho Dashow Level: 100000 | Vocation: Paladin | 10 |
1361. | Tik Tok Level: 330017 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1362. | Tijolada Level: 883788 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1363. | Fanaticwar Level: 100000 | Vocation: Paladin | 10 |
1364. | Chuchurruki Level: 698402 | Vocation: Infinity Sorcerer | 10 |
1365. | Fogonabaga Level: 417493 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1366. | Bufa De Guine Level: 198802 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1367. | Kenny Gg Level: 792170 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1368. | Testandotres Level: 100000 | Vocation: Knight | 10 |
1369. | Khemily Level: 992687 | Vocation: Legendary Sorcerer | 10 |
1370. | Stucked Level: 351368 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1371. | Rundrask Level: 50000 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1372. | Giantone Level: 961250 | Vocation: Power Paladin | 10 |
1373. | Barbaro Level: 552745 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1374. | Testandoonze Level: 100000 | Vocation: Sorcerer | 10 |
1375. | Donald Trump Level: 208898 | Vocation: Superior Druid | 10 |
1376. | Asdfgdfshgdfh Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1377. | Jackson Level: 358307 | Vocation: Hero Knight | 10 |
1378. | Hellz Seuterror Level: 88859 | Vocation: Superior Sorcerer | 10 |
1379. | Baphomeat Level: 379066 | Vocation: Power Druid | 10 |
1380. | Testandodezoito Level: 100000 | Vocation: Sorcerer | 10 |
1381. | Djkovic Level: 1000000 | Vocation: Supreme Paladin | 10 |
1382. | Sicario Level: 712039 | Vocation: Power Sorcerer | 10 |
1383. | Lord Mage Level: 272891 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1384. | Shadowforce Level: 743463 | Vocation: Legendary Knight | 10 |
1385. | Barsi Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1386. | Venezuelano Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1387. | Alison Miner Level: 199000 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1388. | Eversin Bomdebola Level: 619061 | Vocation: Ancient Paladin | 10 |
1389. | Bolhelha Level: 100000 | Vocation: Sorcerer | 10 |
1390. | Druid Off Killer Level: 986615 | Vocation: Legendary Druid | 10 |
1391. | Arabella Level: 557701 | Vocation: Power Paladin | 10 |
1392. | Neyo Godmode Level: 816130 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1393. | Rezor Level: 650325 | Vocation: Power Knight | 10 |
1394. | Guii Rossi Level: 1000000 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |
1395. | Loothing Level: 100000 | Vocation: Druid | 10 |
1396. | Maker Dois Level: 100000 | Vocation: Druid | 10 |
1397. | Bin Laden Level: 884680 | Vocation: Hero Sorcerer | 10 |
1398. | Smoku Level: 876662 | Vocation: Hero Druid | 10 |
1399. | Seromontis Level: 697806 | Vocation: Hero Paladin | 10 |
1400. | Skytaluz Level: 886862 | Vocation: Legendary Paladin | 10 |